Today feels weird

I’ve been having multiple crazy ideas for over a week now. Inspiration for five tarot decks and wanting to start a comic strip (which means learning to draw in some form) are at the top of the list – and the forefront of my mind.

These are not typical things for me. But I promised Spirit I’d put myself in their hands this year, and this is what’s coming up. My vision board even has the phrases “inspire me” and “encourage me” on it. So really, having asked for that heavenly help, as it were, I need to give it serious consideration.

Now, of course if I wanted to just “create” a tarot deck I could have someone else illustrate it. Yes, but… their intuition might not work the same way mine does. My little mental snippets are sometimes so nebulous that if I try to put them into words I fail. So for at least some of it, I’m going to have to do it myself.

Starting with learning to draw.

I’m not going to go for lifelike figures and features because that’s beyond where I am now. I think I’d better start with kawaii, and put myself in at kids level. To this end I asked for a drawing tablet for Christmas and I’ve had a little play with it. Steep learning curve LOL. But it’s there for when I’m ready.

In the meantime, I’ll start with pencil and paper. The old-fashioned yet still perfectly good method.

And I’ll ponder on why today feels weird…

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