Do you know where home is? Or are you feeling lost today? What about unsettled? Ungrounded? Unrooted? There’s some weird new moon energy around. I had an email come in yesterday from a guy I follow on the net. He mentioned he has three homes. Or rather, places that feel like home to him. And… Continue reading Where do you feel at home? Nowhere? Are you lost?
Category: Blogs
Today feels weird
I’ve been having multiple crazy ideas for over a week now. Inspiration for five tarot decks and wanting to start a comic strip (which means learning to draw in some form) are at the top of the list – and the forefront of my mind. These are not typical things for me. But I promised… Continue reading Today feels weird
OK how do these things fit together? How can I bring the Law of Attraction into my life when I’m neurodivergent? I *know* I have ADHD and I suspect I have ASD. Around a 75% / 25% split, my intuitive self reckons. I haven’t sat down with a piece of paper and a pen to… Continue reading LOA / ADHD / ASD
Somewhere to begin…
It’s difficult getting into a groove sometimes. You’d think with ADHD I’d find hyperfocus easily… but no. Instead I get fits and starts of energy. Rather like my intuition. Sometimes it’s in full flow, and sometimes I’m lucky if I get a tiny drop. But I want to change that, and that means being more… Continue reading Somewhere to begin…