Where do you feel at home? Nowhere? Are you lost?

Do you know where home is? Or are you feeling lost today? What about unsettled? Ungrounded? Unrooted? There’s some weird new moon energy around.

I had an email come in yesterday from a guy I follow on the net. He mentioned he has three homes. Or rather, places that feel like home to him. And something in my head said, I can’t even think of ONE that I have at the moment!

I’ve been thinking about it overnight. WHY don’t I feel like I have a home? And I’m talking about physical homes not a spiritual home, because I feel that inside me a lot of the time. I feel “at home” within myself, although I need to move a lot of things around in there to get the interior design right LOL. But physical home? Nope.

Why not?

Well this house was only ever meant to be a two year project, and we’re coming up to twenty one years now. And it’s not the house itself exactly that I don’t feel at home in. It’s the location. If I had this house in a coastal town I’d feel more settled. More willing to have put down roots. But when we bought it, it was like the last ditch attempt to get somewhere that would fit the whole family. And now the “kids” have flown the nest permanently, it’s more apparent that this area isn’t home to me, and never was.

But I haven’t lived anywhere as an adult that *did* feel like home. I’ve wanted to live at the coast for many, many years, but it’s never been the right time / place / price of property there. We were really close, back in 2003, to having that, but when it came to it someone else offered more money for the house we wanted and we had to let it go.

And it might not happen this time either – again because of the price of property, but it’ll be closer. Maybe 10 miles inland, but I’m aiming for an actual town on the coast. In fact, to show my intention to the universe, I’m going to switch off the property alerts to anywhere that’s *not* this particular coastal town. Because I’ve been sending mixed messages to Spirit about what I want. And that just keeps me stuck.

So, Spirit, I know you can hear this. I want to be able to buy a home outright in that coastal town, and still have plenty of money left over to do the fun things I want, like go to the arcade. Take my mum out for the day. Try all the restaurants and cafes in the town with my hubby. Support my favourite charities. Inspire my friends with my wonderful new lifestyle, and help them get started with their own things.

And writing that, I feel goosebumps. Spirit have heard and witnessed my resolution for this lunar new year, for this moon cycle. I’m calling in my angels and spiritual team and we’re getting cracking.

Now over to you, my reader friend. Where do you feel at home? Do you? Or are you looking for a change? What about your spiritual self – are you at home in your own skin, with your own self right now? If not, what needs to change?

I’d love to know. We’re stronger when we speak these goals into existence.

Hop over to my services page and book a general reading, or drop me a comment and let me be in your corner too, along with your own spiritual team!

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