OK how do these things fit together? How can I bring the Law of Attraction into my life when I’m neurodivergent?

I *know* I have ADHD and I suspect I have ASD.

Around a 75% / 25% split, my intuitive self reckons. I haven’t sat down with a piece of paper and a pen to try and work it out.

So the ADHD side of me can be ridiculously optimistic, knowing that Spirit / the Universe / whatever-you-want-to-call-it is looking out for me and bringing me the things I want in life.

But there’s a stumbling block.

If you start getting into the “how” of things working out, you get in your own way. You disallow the flow.

You don’t get what you want.

Unfortunately, the ASD is *all* about the how. It constantly questions and doubts, because it is / I am so literal-minded.

And when it comes to the forefront, which is does more often now I’m on ADHD meds, it’s a massive challenge to keep the faith.

My brain just wants to look into how it’s going to work out and plan.

It does show that the meds work, and that I can plan and focus, to get my life on track, but it completely silences the side of me that is happy to just follow along where my insight leads me.

So how do I reconcile the two?

Experimentation, I guess. So that’s the “plan”.

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