Remember I said I can’t recall traditional tarot card readings?
Well it’s fair to say that I’ve *read* a lot about a number of different ways to get in touch with my Inner Self, Higher Self, Soul… whatever you want to call it:
Automatic Writing
Oracle Cards
Pendulum work (also known as Dowsing)
And probably others that don’t come to mind right now.
And they all resonate *at the time* but afterwards they slide away out of mind. Why?
Working memory. Mine doesn’t “work” very well.
ADHD plays silly sods with the filing cabinet in my head. Sometimes it tosses the cards all over the show and I’m left scrambling to pick them up before they blow away.
Other times the drawer I want won’t open, so I have to go away and do something else. Maybe I can open it another time.
And sometimes the index is hidden. Like your computer system files usually are (unless you know what you’re doing).
But it’s a nuisance at best. And it means when I want to learn something new, like any of the above divination methods, it’s not easy.
Of course, other people must have trouble with working memory too. Other neurodivergent folk. People with age-related memory loss, or a medical reason like a TBI. Surely others must want to be able to tap into that inner guidance and meet their true self? Or speak to their spirit guides or angels in one form or another?
Don’t we all want to feel a bit more connected – to ourselves, to each other, to whatever else there is? Call it God, Spirit, Universe, whichever resonates with you. Connections with all-that-is must be possible. For everyone.
Hence this section of things to try. What works for me – and I don’t yet know what those things are – might work for you too.